Adelaide Hills Community Groups
Local community groups and organisations are one of the many things that bring us together in townships like Woodside. We have such a great network of local sporting teams, volunteer organisations, and community groups and we love helping these groups to grow by including them in our Community Directory.
Adelaide Hills Council
Main office: Via the Library
26 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside
Phone: 8408 0400
Mayor Jan-Claire Wisdom

Post: PO Box 44, Woodside SA 5244
Phone: (08) 8408 0400 (business hours)
Mobile: 0405 136 278
- CEO Performance Review Panel
Valleys Ward Councilors
Community Numbers
Phone: 8389 6070
Woodside – Horizon Pro Dental
Phone: 08 8379 1005
Woodside Country Practice
Phone: 8389 9491
Neville Wuttke
Murray Guy
Janet Bowman
Phone: 0400 913 061
Phone: 0402 671 186
Phone: 0487 164 333
Phone: 8408 0400
Woodside Country Practice
Woodside Surgery
Phone: 8389 9491
Phone: 8389 7232
Balhannah & Woodside
Phone: 8398 0980
137 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Woodside
Pastor Tim Castle-Schmidt
Phone: 8389 7357 (Parish)
Website: www,
154 Onkaparinga Valley Road, Oakbank
Phone: 8398 7200
Woodside Pre-School
Leisure Activities and Sporting Clubs
Swimming Pool
Phone: 8389 7388
Nairne Road, Woodside
Manager: Nick Seager
Phone: 8389 7388
Phone: 0448 884 721
Hills Woodworkers
Secretary: Trevor Green
Meets Monthly: 3rd Sunday 1pm-4pm at Balhannah Scout Hall, 9 Pye Road Balhannah
Phone: 0417 349 680
Mount Barker & District: Briana McAvaney
Torrens Valley: Karen Walton
Phone: 0438 838 973
Phone: 0434 824 712
Contact: Peter Dickason
Phone: 0468 870 893
Contact: Rod Coats
Club Rooms (Match days only)
Phone: 8388 0044
Phone: 0407 004 442
Phone: 0438 153 952
Contact: Pat Wheeler
Swimming Pool
Phone: 0423 520 633
Phone: 8389 7388
Contact: Shane Collins
Phone: 0403 355 069
Phone: 0403 174 223
Balhannah Scout Group
Contact: Kaleb James
Phone: 1800 726 887
President: David Norman
Phone: 0418 825 983
Phone: 8389 7268
Phone: 0498 092 045
Phone: 8389 7268
Phone: 0498 092 045
President: Jacqui Knipe
Secretary: Amy Cotton
Treasurer: Mimi Lundie
Phone: 0427 219 324
Phone: 0418 203 949
Phone: 0438 844 008
President: Natalie Griffiths
Vice President: Zoe Berwick
Secretary: Ashleigh Stratford
Treasurer: Sam Nicholson
Phone: 0417 880 746
Phone: 0417 809 257
Phone: 0419 847 848
Phone: 0436 474 309
Juniors Contact: Bruce Tonkin
Seniors Contact: Bruce Tonkin
Phone: 0428 400 013
Phone: 0428 400 013
Service, Support and Social Groups
Nairne Road, Woodside
Phone: 8408 0400
PO Box 57, Woodside SA 5244
Contact: Corry Moors
Contact: Lyn Green
Open Fridays 8.30am to 12 noon & Saturdays 8.30am to 12.30pm
Phone: 0457 348 002
Phone: 0403 426 685
Mobile: 0455 139 083
Love Woodside SA
President: Neville Davies
Secretary: Barb Hahesy
Phone: 0466 277 971
Phone: 0423 839 544
Meals and Enquiries
Volunteer Enquiries: Jill Smith
Phone: 8389 7968
Phone: 0437 161 705
President: Adam Weinert
Phone: 0418 492 392
Rotary Club of Onkaparinga
Woodside Market
Contact: Gordon Brice
Contact: Laurie Doube
Contact: Murray Nankivell
Held third Saturday of the month 8am to 12pm
Phone: 0418 849 089
Phone: 0408 818 972
Phone: 0400 812 033
South Australian Country Women’s Association
President: Mo Johnson
Phone: 0410 149 850
President: Tremaine Kerber
Secretary: Lexi Chassiotis
Phone: 0408 854 415
Phone: 0428 850 316
Contact: Judy Potter
Phone: 0452 440 644